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GSA Attachments

Attachments tab

Is dedicated for attaching any local files from your computer and creating internal messages.

Available from several places in system:

  • Flight

(divided by types of attachments, each available by permission)

  • AWB

  • Job

To create a message, press +, the pop up window will be opened. Insert the message, mention from and to, insert the message body, press Save. The message will appear in the list. To delete it - select it in list and press delete.

This functionality is dedicated for uploading attachments and sending them from system.

To pre-edit the picture before uploading, use

, so the internal image editor will be opened

For simple files attachment use

button and after file is selected from your local storage, press
. You can edit the name of the file in Name field after upload.
as well as
download or send
. To delete selected attachment press

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