These interfaces allow you to create services for flights and view existing ones.
There is an opportunity to link jobs and make allocations, to link flights and tickets, to change statuses for revenues and costs, to assign a color to the team, and to add attachments.
Different filters help to find the necessary entry quicker
List description
Status – the condition of the flight service
Ref no – the number of the flight service
Customer - the name of the customer
Reg.No – the registration number of the aircraft
Call-sign - the call code of the aircraft
AC Type - the model of the aircraft
Operator – the name of the controller
Suppl - the organization of fuel supply
Route/Location - the path of the flight
Date – the date of the flight’s service creation
Company - the name of the company
Team – the team’s color
REV - the number of entries in the “Revenue” tab
CLO – the ticks are shown according to the selected service status on the “Revenue” tab
i – the icon of coins is shown in case of a linked job. A tick is shown in case of the “UnConfirm Pricing” status
A – the icon of anchor is shown in case of allocation in the entry
Revenue – the total of the sum on the “Revenue” tab
Profit – the income from the service
EXP – the ticks are shown according to the selected operation on the “Costs” tab
REV – the ticks are shown according to the selected operation on the “Revenue” tab
FLT – the icon of the aircraft is shown in case of linking the flight to service
Tickets – the number of a ticket is shown in case it was linked to the flight service
Files - the clip is shown in case there are attachments.
How to create a new flight service
To create a new flight service, click the “NEW” button on the form
Note! You have an opportunity to create 4 types of flight service from one interface: Fueling, Handling, Permissions, Flight plan (pay attention to the tooltip)
How to display the ticks in the “REV” column
A tick is shown according to the selected operation on the “Revenue” tab or in the settings
Select the necessary entry and click the “Settings” button
Select the revenue’s status in the entry
in case of the “UnNotify” status, the tick is not shown
in case of the “Notify” status, you can see the tick in the column
in case of the clicking the “Close”, you can see the double tick in the column
to re-open the earlier closed revenues, click the “Unclose” button in the entry on the “Revenue” tab
How to display the tick in the “CLO” column
A tick is shown according to the selected service status on the main tab or in the settings
Select the service’s status in the entry
in case of the clicking the “CLOSE service” button, the tick is shown in the column
in case you want to re-open the service, click the “UnCLOSE service” button
the invalidate revenue button is relevant for services with non-invoice job
How to display the coins and the tick in the “i” column
The icon of coins is shown in case of a linked job.
Open the necessary entry and go to the “Revenue” tab
Tick the “Сonnect” checkbox
Click the “Connect to job” button
Fill in the necessary field in the pop-up
To confirm the creation, select the “Create Entry” button
A tick is shown in case of the “UnConfirm Pricing” status
Open the necessary entry and go to the “Revenue” tab
Click the “Confirm Pricing” button to make the“UnConfirm Pricing” status
To confirm the action, click the “Yes” button, to cancel select the “No” button
How to display the anchor in the “A” column
The icon of an anchor is shown in case of allocation in the entry
Go to the “Jobs List” interface and select the necessary job, using the double click
Select the “Expenses Allocation” and the “Service Expenses” tabs and click the “Add allocation” button
Select any service in the “Select Types” form by marking the checkbox in front of it and clicking the “Apply” button, select the period and click on the icon of search
Select the necessary service in the list and click the “Connect to JOB” button. In the “A“ column you can find the icon of anchor
How to display the tick in the “EXP” column
A tick is shown according to the selected status on the “Costs” tab or in the settings
Select the expense’s status in the entry
in case of the “UnNotify” status, the tick is not shown
in case of the “Notify” status, you can see the tick in the column
in case of the clicking the “Close”, you can see the double tick in the column
to re-open the earlier closed expenses, click the “Unclose” button in the entry on the “Costs” tab
How to display the icon in the “FLT” column
The icon of the aircraft is shown in case of linking the flight to service
Select the necessary entry, using the double click
Click the “Connect to Flight” button
Select the period, fill in the information in the “Extended search” field and click on the icon with search
Select the necessary flight and click the “Link” button
Click the “Confirm connection” button to connect the service with the flight
To confirm this action, click the “Yes” button. To cancel, select the “No” variant.
How to display the ticket’s number in the “Tickets” column
The number of the ticket is shown in case of linking it to service
Go to the “Fuel Tickets” interface and select the ticket, that you need, using the double click
Click the “Connect to Service” button
Fill in the period and select the necessary service, using the double click
Click the “Confirm connection” button to connect the ticket with flight
To confirm this action, click the “Yes” button. To cancel select the “No” variant.
How to link a job
Select the necessary entry, marking it with the checkbox and click the “Create Entry for selected”
Note! Reasons for not appearing in the pop-up:
In case the customers are not the same, you will see the alert
In case the entry has earlier linked job, or the total revenue is zero or the revenue has the “Close” status, you will see the alert
Fill in the necessary fields in the pop-up and click the “Create Entry” button. Pay attention, that the “Office”, “Bank” and “Subtype” fields are required
Clicking the “Open Services Flight Page” button, you open the Services and Flights page
Clicking on the coins icon in the sidebar to see the list of the Cost Types
In the header you can see the sum of profit during the selected period
Sorting and filtering
Click the “Filters” button and select the necessary fields
Selecting the “ALL” button, you will see all entries in the list
Selecting the “INV” button, you will see all entries with jobs
Selecting the “NOINV” button, you will see all entries without jobs
Marking the “RDY” checkbox, there is an opportunity to see all entries with confirming prices
How to make this status:
Select the necessary entry, using the double click
Go to the “Revenue” tab
Click the “Confirm Pricing” button
You have an opportunity to make filtration by team
Note! This filtration is available only in the “Ground Handling” and “Permissions” interfaces
Go to the “Settings” tab and select from the drop-down list in the “Team” field the necessary color of the team
Filtration by dates and year
To make filtration by year, select the necessary one in the “Year” field and click the “Search” button. The dates will be automatically changed to “01/01” in the “From” field and “31/12” in the “To” field of the year that was selected
To make filtration by dates, select the necessary period and click the “Search” button. In that condition, the “Year” field will be empty
To make the filtration of the flight service by status, tick the necessary fields
Make a tick in the “All services” checkbox to see the list of all services during the selected period
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