This interface helps you to look through the information about flights during the selected period.
With the help of the filters, it is possible to find the necessary flight quicker or to select those entries that meet your requirements.
For example, you can display only invoiced flights, or with allocation, or with the necessary status of revenue/expense, etc.
You have an opportunity to look through the deleted entries, and flights that have already been closed, without attachments and schedule, but with empty legs.
The reports help to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis.
The additional buttons make it possible to change the flight’s status or revenue/expense condition and create a schedule or flight report directly from the interface. Use the view selector to change the style of the Flights Database.
List Description
Status – the condition of the flight. It can be:
Planned – the cell is highlighted in cyan
Active – the cell is highlighted in yellow
Completed - the cell is highlighted in green
Canceled - the cell is highlighted in gray
Confirmed - the cell is highlighted in blue-magenta
Postponed - the cell is highlighted in pink
Delayed - the cell is highlighted in red
Request - the cell has no backlight
Report No. – the number of flight report
Closed – the tick is shown in case the flight is operated
Flight ID – the ID of the flight. The cell is highlighted in red in case of an empty leg
Waypoint srv – the number of waypoint services
Date – flight start date/time (planned or actual, depending on flight status). The cell is highlighted in blue in case of the No follow tick in the flight
Date Local – flight start date/time (planned or actual, depending on flight status) according to the local time. The cell is highlighted in blue in case of the No follow tick in the flight
Reg. No – the registration number of the aircraft
Type – the model of the aircraft
Office – the name of the company
Operator – the company that carries out the flight
Flight No. – the call sign of the flight
Route – the path of flight
Crew checked – the tick is shown in case the crew is confirmed
Customers – the name of the customer that was selected in the entry
Type – the category of flight
CPT – the name of assigned captains
Crew – the name of the crew members
the code of the crew will be shown in case the person is assigned to the flight
the “assign crew” message is shown in case there is no crew on the flight
Team – the color of the team will be shown
F.P. – the available payload at the first waypoint
F.V. – the available volume at the first waypoint
Wp.load – total flight WP load
Fly T – the time of flight
Block T – the total amount of time between blocks
I – the coins are shown in case the flight is invoiced
AWB – number of invoiced AWBs/ total AWBs on flight
REV – flight revenue closed statu. A tick is shown in case the revenue is notified.
The double tick is shown in case the revenue is closed.
EXP – flight expenses closed status. A tick is shown in case the expenses are notified.
The double tick is shown in case the expenses are closed.
A – allocated expenses mark. The anchor is shown in case the expenses are allocated.
Maintenance – the icon of tools is shown is shown
In case you can’t find a column in the list, please, check permissions on the page.
How to display the different views of the interface
Open the View selector and select the most suitable variant:
General – full list with information about flights (will be shown by default)
Time – each sector will be shown in a separate box
Report – shortlist with information about flights
How to open the information about maintenance
Hover over the line and the icon of tools will appear
Click on the icon
In the sidebar you can find maintenance information planned in the aircraft, its date of start and end, reason, status, and left/cycle.
Backlight conditions
days left > 50 – the black text
days left <50-0 – the orange text
days left <0 – the red text
Additional information
FH – the total amount of hours is shown in case flights have flight report
BT – the total amount of hours is shown in case flights have a block time
ID, Reg. No. Bulk, Captain, Crew, Flt. Customer, Customer, AC Type, Report No., Project/Ref/Quote, Brokers, Fit. Brokers input fields
Filtration by the Revenue status (REV column)
ANY – flights with all statuses of revenue will be shown (empty cell/tick/double ticks are shown)
ANY – flights with all statuses of revenue will be shown (empty cell/tick/double ticks are shown)
NOTIFIED – flights with Notified revenue status are shown (one tick in the column)
CLOSED – flights with Closed revenue status are shown (double-tick in the column)
Filtration by the Expense status (EXP column)
ANY – flights with all statuses of the expense will be shown (empty cell/tick/double ticks are shown)
NONE – flights with UnNotify expense status are shown (the cell in the column is empty)
NOTIFIED – flights with Notified expense status are shown (one tick in the column)
CLOSED – flights with Closed expense status are shown (double-tick in the column)
Filtration by the Exp allocated (A column)
Any – flights with all expenses condition are shown (empty cell/anchor are shown)
Yes – flights with allocated expenses are shown (anchor in the column)
No – flights without allocated expense are shown (the cell in the column is empty)
Filtration by invoiced status (i column)
Yes – flights that have linked jobs will be shown (the icon of coins )
No – flights that have no linked jobs will be shown (the empty cell)
Filtration by invoice status
Any – all flight will be shown regardless of the invoice status
Not conf. – flights with UnConfirmed revenue are shown
Ready – flights with Confirmed revenue are shown
Sorting with the help of checkboxes
Order by Flight ID – flights will be sorted by the Flight ID column
No attachments – tick to sort flights without attachments
Not follow – tick to sort flights with Not follow checkbox
Closed – tick to sort flights with Operated status
Report confirmed - tick to sort flights with confirmed or checked flight report
Flight has a blue background in case its flight report is confirmed
Flight has a green background in case its flight report is checked
Broken – the list with broken flights will be shown (for example, without date etc.)
No Schedule – flights without schedule are shown
Deleted – tick to see the list with deleted flights
Crew checked – tick to sort flights with confirmed crew
Report checked – tick to sort flights with checked flight report
Cargo – tick to sort flights with linked AWB
In case you can’t find a filter in the list, please, check permissions on the page.
Additional opportunities
- click the Auto Updates every 5 minutes button to update the flight list automatically
- click the Fight Map to look through the map of the world. Pay attention that the button will be available in case at least one flight is chosen
- click the Flight Report button to open the page with the flight report creation. Pay attention that the button will be available in case at least one flight is chosen
- click the Create Schedule button to open the form of the Schedule/ Trip cloning creation. Pay attention that the button will be available in case at least one flight is chosen
The possibility of quick changes in flight
There is an opportunity to edit the status of Revenue/Expense quickly. Select the necessary flight to make changes and click the Settings button
select the Notify option to change the status to the same (one tick is shown in the REV column)
select the Close option to change the status to the same (double-tick is shown in the REV column)
select the Undo option to change the status to UnNotify (the cell is empty)
select the Notify option to change the status to the same (one tick is shown in the EXP column)
select the Close option to change the status to the same (double tick is shown in the EXP column)
select the Undo option to change the status to UnNotify (the cell is empty)
There is an opportunity to change the flight status
select the necessary flight with the help of a tick
select new status in the Status selector
click the Set status button
There is an opportunity to change the following for the flight
select the necessary flight with the help of a tick
select the ✓ Follow or - Follow button
How to create the schedule
To create the schedule, select the necessary flight with the help of a tick and click the Create Schedule button
Select the suitable option. It can be:
Tick the Clone payload checkbox to create a flight with the same payloads, and select the period, flight status, and weekdays.
Tick the Show Online checkbox if you need to show the necessary flights on your website.
In the case of services in the flight, you have an opportunity to clone them.
Then click the Create Schedule button.
The error message will be shown without marked days of the week.
On date
Tick the Clone payload checkbox to create a flight with the same payloads and select the date. You can just clone the flight without creating a schedule by ticking the No Schedule/Clone checkbox . In case of services in the flight, you have an opportunity to clone or move them. Then click the Create Schedule button.
Error messages in case of deleting flight
In case the status of the flight is Confirmed/Active/Delayed/Cancelled/Completed
In case the flight has linked to AWB
In case the flight has a flight report
In case of linked job
In case of allocation
Click the Report button to open the list with all reports
Select any category and click on it to open the full list of available reports
In case you can’t find a report on the list, please, check permissions on the page.
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