This interface allows you to look through the information about cargo flights and see the details about payload, pieces, volume, etc.
There is an opportunity to review the deleted flights, change statuses of Revenue/Expenses, make different filtration.
List description
Status – the flight’s condition
Flight ID – the internal flight number, which can be set according to different rules.
Airline/Operator – the company who carries out the flight
Type – the aircraft type
Origin – the point code of departure
Dest – the point code of arrival
Route – the path of flight
Dep. Date – the date and time of departure
Arr. Date – the date and time of arrival
Dep. Date Local – the local date and time of departure
Arr. Date Local – the local date and time of arrival
Company – the flight’s office
Reg. No. – the registration number of the aircraft
REV– the ticks are shown according to the selected operation with revenue on the “General” tab
The double tick is shown in case the revenue is closed
The one tick is shown in case the revenue is notified
The empty cell is shown in case the revenue is unnotified
EXP – the ticks are shown according to the selected operation with expenses on the “General” tab
The double tick is shown in case the expense is closed
The one tick is shown in case the expense is notified
The empty cell is shown in case the expense is unnotified
Files - the clipis shown in case there are attachments.
How to open the details of the necessary flight
Click the Info button to see the details of the selected flight
The elements of the sidebar:
Route – the path of the flight
Department Date – the start date of the flight
Flight No – the call sign of the flight
Operator - the company who carries out the flight
Bookings – the amount of the linked AWB
Inv. Bookings – the amount of bookings that has linked jobs
Piece Qty – the quantity of pieces
Details about Payload, Volume and Pallets according to each sector (quantity and percentage of capacity)
How to change the selected period
In case you need to change the period, click on the icon of the calendar
At first select the start date, clicking on it
Then select the end date, clicking on it
The selected period will be highlighted.
Sorting and filtering
Click the “Filters” button and select the appropriate parameters to get a more exact result
You have an opportunity to filtering data by origin, destination, actype, project, flight ID and ID fields. Select the necessary variant from the dropdown lists or fill in the field manually and click the “Search” button.
You have an opportunity to change the status of the revenue/expenses quicker
click the “Settings” button
select the necessary entry with the help of tick
click on the status
To look through the deleted flights, make a tick in the “Deleted” checkbox
In case you need to sort flights with attachments, make a tick in the “No attachments” checkbox.
Making the tick in the “With cargo only” checkbox, you will see flights with linked AWB
Making the filtration by the “Quick Search” field, you can find the information you need quicker. Columns for which the search is available: Status, Flight ID, Airline/Operator, Type, Origin, Dest, Route, Reg. No.
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