Flights database is a menu that allows you to view the list of existing flights in the system and create new flight.
To search results by selected filters click on button
To clean all filters and search results click on button “Clean filters”
To create new Flight click on button
To delete selected flight click on button
Control panel allows to filter and search flights by:
Day or
Month and year
Flight types you can also use the “quick search” to find the flight type needed
Week Days
Selected dates
Certain period
departure date flight/date of flight creation
To get flights with first waypoint date within search period tick the checkbox:
To get no scheduled flights tick the checkbox
To print report (Schedule, Aircraft report, Pilots Report or Expenses Report) click on button and select necessary report.
In Flights database menu you can open Flight Expenses or Flight Report page by selected flight
Extended search
To find flight by certain parameter use Extended search pop-up and “Search” button:
Flight ID
Reg. No
Reg. No Bulk
Call sign
Captain - only persons on the captain's position
Crew - all crew personal except the captain
Office - displayed by access rights
Client Reference - displayed by access rights
Service no
Flt. Customer - only flight customers
Customer - all customers connected with flight
AC Type
Report No - from Flight Report
Brokers - all brokers connected with flight
Flt. Brokers - only flight brokers
AWB - AWB No assigned to the flight
Order by Flight ID - checkbox for sorting flights by Flight ID
Follow/unFollow buttons - for selected
No attachments - tick checkbox to get flights without attachments
Revenue/Expenses - displayed by access rights
Button to set “notify for accounts”(revenue or expenses) for selected flights
Button to close all revenues or expenses on selected flights
Filter by statuses of revenue and expenses (Any, None, Notified or Closed)
To filter flights by expenses (allocated, not allocated, price is not confirmed, ready to be invoiced and invoiced flights)
Type and Charter Type - displayed by access rights
Not follow - flights with tick checkbox “No follow”
Show on site - flights that are displayed on
Deleted - flights were deleted from the system
Cargo - flights with cargo
*Pay attention! You can see only cargo flights by default if you have suchaccess rights.
Closed - completed flights
Crew checked - crew confirmed on flight
Flights list
Status - flight status
Report No - from Flight Report. Displayed by access rights
Closed - if the flight is completed
Flight ID - from flight
Date - planned departure date and time from first waypoint
Next departure date
Reg. No - from flight
Type - aircraft type from flight
Office - from flight
Flight No - call sign (Flight No) from each waypoint in flight
Route - all waypoints
Crew checked - if crew confirmed on flight
Customers - all customers connected with flight
Type - flight category (Commj – commercial aircraft types, Cargo – cargo aircraft types, VIP – small private jets and helicopters)
CPT - only captains assigned to flight. Displayed by access rights
Crew - If flight has crew assigned, crew shown here in format: <3-letter crew code>- (<3-letter crew position>), for example AAA-(CPT).Displayed by access rights
Team - shows team color. Displayed by access rights
F.P. - Available payload at first waypoint. Depends from Available payload and Chargeable weight on flight. Displayed by access rights
F.V. - Available volume at first waypoint. Depends from Available CBM on flight and Volume (from Cargo). Displayed by access rights
Wp.load - Sum of loads in all flights' waypoints. Displayed by access rights
Ch.Cargo - Total Flight AWB's Chargeable Weight. Displayed by access rights
Cargo - Total Flight AWB's Weight. Value in "Cargo" column is highlighted when cargo entered in flight report. Displayed by access rights
Fly T - Fly Hours from Flight Report. Displayed by access rights
BLCK - Block Hours from Flight Report. Displayed by access rights
Invoice - if ready to be invoiced, if invoiced
AWB - number of invoiced AWB/total AWB on flight
REV - if flight revenue closed
EXP - if flight expenses closed
Allocated expenses mark - if expenses linked with job
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