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Flight Brief

Flight Brief 

- customer, is chosen on enquiry page


Brief for the sector you have chosen, information from enquiry 

are inserted on Brief page 

- Time difference for the Airports of Enquiry

Tick box to be chosen on Operators selection tab 

Is taken from AC type or Registration number if chosen on the Operator selection tab 

Flight No and SatCom number inserted on brief page

Field to be inserted on Operators selection tab

 means the data is inserted in Cubic feet 

 means you show the quantity of Standard suitcases 

Seats – from AC type or Registration number if chosen. 

Catering – comments on catering may be given on brief page 

Crew data should be inserted on Brief page 

Passengers may be added from Customer’s page


by pressing 
  on Brief page and then Accept the selected 



Or add manually by pressing 
  and inserting a data

  information is taken from Brief page


Or if nothing is written on Brief page, the information is taken from the airport page 

  Handling and Ground Transportation agents should be chosen for each airport separately on the brief page 




Broker contacts from the Employee’s page 

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