First timing line always shows planned (schedule) timing
Second line shows data according to the priority
if permit timing is not inserted (no actual timing, no report timing inserted) it shows dates like 12 Mar. If waypoint status is OK - in green, if else - in black
if permit time is inserted (no actual timing, no report timing inserted) – it shows permit time. If waypoint status is OK - in green, if else - in red
if flight is active and actual time is inserted (it ignores permit time, no report timing inserted) – it shows actual time in blue
if flight report time is inserted (it ignores permit time, ignores actual timing) – it shows report time in purple
Any inserted time can be checked in the tooltip over timing
Editing routing details
Current waypoint
Flight number (callsign)
Schedule (planned timing)
- Permission timing
Flight type, purpose, Parking slot
Terminals of arrival and departure (are taken from airports if inserted previously)
Empty leg information
Quantity of crew onboard
Option to split flight starting from the selected waypoint
Delay information
Sector payload information
ATC routing. Pressing of i button opens pop-up with additional information
Adding new waypoint (sector)
Press New > Choose airport as described above > Insert planned timing of arrival, Flight No. > Press Add Sector
Sector VIDP – LTAI is added
Now insert corresponding timing to previous departure timing
Changing current one
In the field of airport start typing ICAO/IATA/Country/City/Airport name, choose from the list, press Save Sector
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