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Fixed Assets Requests

Navigate to Fixed Asset:

Navigate to the Accounting section and under Fixed Assets click the “FA Requests” button.


The FA Requests interface provides a comprehensive view of all Fixed Asset (FA) requests, displaying essential information for each request. Users can create, delete, and edit requests. Additionally, users can filter and sort requests to find specific entries quickly.

List Description:

  • ID: Unique identifier for each FA request.

  • Status: Current status of the request.

  • Requirement No: The specific request number.

  • Posting Date: Date when the request was created.

  • Requested By: Department that made the request.

  • Required Date: Date by which the requested items are needed.

  • Posted By: User who created the request.

  • Location: Delivery location for the requested items.

  • Department: Department to which the items will be delivered.

  • Qty Ordered Items: Number of items ordered.

  • Qty Items: Number of items processed.


Create FA Request:

  • Click the create button to initiate a new FA request.

  • Fill in the necessary details in the form that appears.

  1. Delete FA Request:

    • Select the FA request to be deleted.

  • Click the delete button to remove the selected request.

Filtering and Sorting:

Users can filter and sort FA requests using the following criteria:

  • ID: Enter the request ID in the input field to filter.

  • Request No: Enter the request number in the input field to filter.

  • Delivery Location: Select from the dropdown to filter by location.

  • Requested Department: Select from the dropdown to filter by the requesting department.

  • Delivery Department: Select from the dropdown to filter by the delivery department.

  • Statuses: Select from the dropdown to filter by request status.

  • From Date: Use the calendar to filter requests from a specific date.

  • To Date: Use the calendar to filter requests up to a specific date.

ALL Checkbox: Checking this box displays all FA requests created. If left unchecked, only the requests created by the user will be shown.

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