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Fixed Assets Orders

Navigate to FA Orders:

Navigate to the Accounting section and under Fixed Assets click the “FA Orders” button.


Select any FA Order by double-clicking on it.

Main Information Block:

Fields and Selectors:

  • From, To, Responsible, Supplier, Contact, Office selectors

  • Date and Time input fields

  • Purchase Order No / Move Order No / Check Order No / Receipt Order No

  • Request No, Invoice No, Invoice Date and Time

  • L.P.O Number, Notes input fields

Posting and Unposting Orders:

  • Post Button:

    1. Click the Post button to approve the order.

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  1. Confirm by clicking the YES button.

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  1. The Post button will change to UnPost upon successful posting.

  • UnPost Button:

    1. Click the UnPost button to annul the approval.

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  1. Confirm by clicking the YES button.

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  1. The UnPost button will change to Post upon successful unposting.

Working Conditions of Types:

Move Type:

  • Print International Transfer Report appears.

  • Supplier and Contact selectors are blocked.

  • Move Order No field is shown.

  • Request button appears on the Items tab.

  • Print: Select the Move type to see the Print internal transfer report.

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Check Type:

  • Print Inventory Check Report appears.

  • From field is blocked.

  • Check Order No field is shown.

  • Request / Orders button is absent on the Items tab.

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Purchase Type:

  • Print Purchase Order Report appears.

  • From field is blocked.

  • Purchase Order No field is shown.

  • Request button is shown on the Items tab.

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Receipt Type:

  • Print Goods Receipt Report appears.

  • From field is blocked.

  • Receipt Order No field is shown.

  • Orders button is shown on the Items tab.

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Additional Block:

Items Tab:

  • Fixed Assets selector

  • Request / Orders button

  • Details Button: Click to view information about the selected fixed asset.

  • Linked Orders/Requests: Buttons with the number of linked orders and requests. Click to view details.

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Linking Order/Request:

  1. Click the Orders/Request button.

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  1. A sidebar will appear.

  2. Use double-click to select the Order/Request.

  3. Tick the necessary Purchase Order/FAS Request and click the Apply button.

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  1. A button with the added Order/Request will appear in the Linked Order/Linked Request columns.

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Files Tab:

  • Space for Drag&Drop/Browse Attachments

  • List of All Attachments

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