Title | External_Flight.getFlightList |
Description |
Sample Request | { "method":"External_Udb.getFlightList", "params":[ { "orderbyflightno":"1/0", "orderbyreportno":"1/0", "company_id" : "integer", "status" : "flight status", "not_status" : "flight status", "statuses" : [ "request","flight status","flight status"], "types" : ["flight_type","flight_type","..."], "from_date" : "2016-06-15", "to_date" : "2016-06-30", "flight_no" : "string", "operator_id" : "integer", "actype" : "string", "reg_no" : "string", "type_id" : "integer (service type id)", "sent" : ["array of integer"] } ], "id":1 }
example { "method":"External_Flight.getFlightList", "params":[{"schedule":1, "services":1, "from_date":"01 Jun 2016", ”id”:123}], "id":1}
Sample Response | Response will be flight with all waypoints and services { "result": [ "id": "2038", "planned_departure_date": "2016-06-15 00:00:00", "actual_departure_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "start_date": "2016-06-15 00:00:00", "flight_no": "T-ACME-1600161", "flight_type": "International", "notes": "", "type": "charter", "type_name": "Charter", "status": "confirmed", "actype_id": "1000", "aircraft_id": "2653", "call_sign": "QW", "path": "UKBB-OMDB-OKBK", "path_human": "Kiev-Dubai-Kuwait", "actype": "A300-600", "reg_no": "1567-hj", "mtow": "171700.00", "regno": "", "bulk_actype": "", "fly_time": "0", "fly_time_act": "0", "captains": "Bono Alehandro BA (CPT)", "captains1": "Bono Alehandro BA (CPT), Kunal Flight Navigator (F/N)", "copilots": "", "crew_codes": "234 (CPT), T11 (F/N)", "services_cnt": "0", "project": "", "waypoint_services": "AV160031,O160016,F160042,160009,C160027,,G-ACME-DXB-1600161,F160041,H-ACME-KWI-1600161", "operator": "BETA CARGO", "supplier": "", "company": "A Company Making Everything", "team": "Green Team", "team_color": "65280", "officer": "", "crew_cnt": "2", "files": "0", "waypoints": [ { "id": "5905", "from": "5905", "to": "5906", "iata": "KBP", "icao": "UKBB", "city": "Kiev", "planned_departure_date": "2016-06-15 00:00:00", "actual_departure_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "planned_arrival_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "actual_arrival_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "status": "New", "flight_status": "active", "call_sign": "QW", "call_sign_landing": "", "purpose_of_flight": "", "atc_route": "{\"atc_route\":\"\",\"avoid_firs\":\"\",\"avoid_navpoints\":\"\"}", "uplink": "", "ete": "", "prior": "1", "ATC_FPL_STS": "1", "first": "1", "last": "0", "max_prior": "3", "sent": "0", "approved": "0", "color": " ", "r_type": "In progress", "s_letter": "N", "purpose_name": "", "planned_departure_date_local": "2016-06-15 03:00:00", "actual_departure_date_local": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "planned_arrival_date_local": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "actual_arrival_date_local": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "services": [ { "id": "4266", "flight_id": "2038", "waypoint_id": "5905", "airport_perm_id": "0", "country_perm_id": "0", "type_id": "24", "subtype_id": "0", "urgency": "1", "into_vendor_id": "40", "into_vendor_contact_id": "12891", "into_vendor": "Beeline", "srv_id": "0", "company_id": "60", "team_id": "3", "customer_id": "0", "name": "", "country_id": "216", "qty": "1", "responsible_by": "", "note": "", "payment_method": "", "address": "", "ref_no": "", "service_no": "", "call_sign": "", "entry_points": "", "exit_points": null, "from_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "to_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "applied_date": "2016-06-23 07:47:01", "sent": "3", "approved": "0", "canceled": "0", "denied": "0", "revision_number": "1", "arrival": "Departure", "prior": "0", "sort_prior": "0", "parent_service_id": "0", "acknowledge_user_cust_id": "217", "acknowledge_date": "2016-06-24 09:54:00", "buy_fuel_rate_id": "0", "sell_fuel_rate_id": "0", "customs": "tgryty", "apis1_option": "Inbound", "apis1_confirmation": "2345", "apis2_option": "Inbound", "apis2_confirmation": "432", "uscbp_permit_to_proceed": "In Progress", "us_border_overflight_exemption": "Confirmed", "child_services": "[\"18\",\"61\",\"62\",\"63\"]", "fuel_type": "jet_a1", "no_vendor": "0", "create_date": "2016-06-17 12:47:41", "edit_date": "2017-01-04 15:17:22", "vendor_id": "7005", "vendor": "AJA", "service_type": "Customs", "parent_service_type_id": "0", "service_type_flight": "0", "brief_template": "fb_8", "briefing_prior": "0", "type_code": "C", "parent_service_type": null, "parent_brief_template": null, "country": "Ukraine", "country_code": "UA", "letter": "CU", "color": "fc-g", "r_type": "Confirmed", "customer": null, "customer_type": null, "into_vendor_type": "vendor", "altitude": "", "speed": "", "uplink": "", "ete": "", "recall_number": "", "pkg_delivery": "", "atc_route": null, "fuel_uplift": "0", "fuel_burn": "0", "payload": "", "hotel_name": null, "hotel_address": null, "creator": "piterson", "editor": "fenrir", "child_services_names": [ "ROYALTIES", "SUBTEST3", "SUBTEST4", "SUBSUB" ], "Apis1Countries": [ { "service_id": "4266", "country_id": "11" } ], "Apis2Countries": [ { "service_id": "4266", "country_id": "10" } ] } |
Title | External_Flight.getServiceDetails |
Description |
Sample Request | { "method":"External_Flight.getServiceDetails", "params":["4242"], "id":1 } |
Sample Response | { |
Title | External_Flight.getFlightWaypointMovementHistory |
Description | method "from_create_date" should be sent as time stamp. |
Sample Request | { "perpage" : "20", "from_create_date":"1492770523" } |
Sample Response | { result": { |