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External users (old)

External users don't have direct access to the system, but can interact with it through external tools, applications, web-portals etc.

User management

Accessible from Main Menu → Settings → User Management → User Management

Selector "User Type:" should be in "external" position

Here you can:

  1. see the list of the user
  2. edit users
  3. add users
  4. delete users
  5. assign permissions group

Double click to open the user settings 

Please make sure to assign user to specific Customer/Employee/Supplier (* entry should be created before creating the external user)

If it is required to link to multiple enteritis - like several customers (on functions that support that feature) - you can sen multiple in users list:

For some features you will need to assign external users to specific groups to enable/disable access to some features (like view and upload documents, view list of invoices, etc.):

If you system setup with multiple companies (offices) you can set access to external user only to specific companies in user profile and additional offices:

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