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Enquiry Prices Types

Home Page→ System Settings→ Charter Brokerage/Quotes→ Enquiry Prices Types


The interface allows you to add different types of costs that are spent on the manufacture of goods or services.

As an example, the cost of goods, transportation costs, taxes, inspections, certificates, marketing, margin, etc

This allows you to form the total COST price for the company which provides goods or services and SELL price for the customer

The main functionality on the page:

1.Search - allows you to filter information by name and type parameters

2.The list of existing items contains the following columns:

    • Name -  the name of cost type
    • Type - the type title of cost type
    • Show on site - prices that are used on the Cargo Booking site (enquiry portal)  are marked by a green tick

3.Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries


  • To add a new item, please click the New button in the editor and fill the next information:

Name - is the obligatory field

Type - is the optional field

Check-box “Show on site”- is optional

  • Click the Save button
    after filling the data, and a new price type will appear in the list and will be available in the system 
  • In case you need to change some data, you should select the required entry in the list, the information will be displayed in the editor. Click the Save button after editing
  • To delete, please select the required entry on the list, the information will be displayed in the editor and the Delete button will appear, click it

NB: Please, delete a type in case of emergency.

Using Enquiry Price Type in the system:

  • Enquiry→ Pricing tab

After operator selection, you will be able to specify price type on the drop-down list. Cost and sell price you should enter manually

  • Cargo module> Shipments Database> open any 

Sell prices are displayed on the Revenue tab

Cost prices are displayed on the Expenses tab


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