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Enq Calculation

Path: Home → All Enq → Enq → Calculation tab

Group: _charter_calculation_admin

List of access settings:

  • showCalculationTab - display calculation tables

  • showCostFromRDC -  displaying a button for searching for flights through the RDC service

  • canImportCalculationEnquiry - allows clone previous​ Enquiry/​Calculat​ion informat​ion to actual enquiry

  • autoSetCalculationFuelUplift - auto set fuel uplift on calculat​ion

  • calculationNoCosts - hide cost fields

  • disableFuelCalculation - disable auto create Fuel Expense

  • showCalculationSellValues - displaying fields for recording sell price data

In addition, there is a possibility of auto-substitution of services based on the AC type:

On the ActypePage, the viewAutoChargesTypesTab permission must be enabled, which allows you to configure the default calculation types in the AC type:

So, having configured the types, when opening the Calculation tab, the system checks for the corresponding calculation types, we compare the found list with the current data and the date of the record

If no default value is found for the AC type, an empty virtual string should be displayed.


A selector for selecting aircraft and a button for adding a type to calculate data for it:

Displays a list of all available aircrafts on this host that have the Ready to fly parameter.

By selecting a new aircraft and clicking on the plus sign, a new line will appear in the table corresponding to the new Reg no and the corresponding operator


Table of calculation results for each of the aircraft, divided into options:

The table part displays a summary by sector for a particular aircraft, when you click on a line in the table, the prices of the selected option / aircraft are displayed. The following fields are available:

В табличній частині виведено підсумок по секторам для певного аеркрафту, при натисненні на строку в таблиці  - відображаються прайси вибраної опції \ аеркрафту. Наявні такі поля:

  • Option

  • Aircraft

  • Total Cost

  • Cost Currency

  • Total Sale 

  • Sale Currency

  • Margin

  • Margin %

  • Margin Currency

  • Block Hours

  • Fly Hours

  • Payload, KG - the sum of all sectors of the selected option from the Payload field

  • Fuel Burn, kg - the sum of all sectors of the option in the Fuel Burn field

  • Fuel Uplift, kg - the sum of all sectors of the option in the Fuel Uplift field

If there is no showCalculationSellValues permmission, the following fields are hidden

  • Total Sale 

  • Sale Currency

  • Margin

  • Margin %

  • Margin Currency


ACMI calculation

There are two scenarios for setting up ACMI calculation:

  1. Default - on the Reg no page (Aircraft) of the ACMI Rates tab (permission editACMI), you can create a list of types and their rate that will be automatically substituted into the ACMI field on the Enquiry Calculation tab when you select this Reg no:


At the same time, the line with the AСMI rate will be added to each sector automatically:


  1. By global setting changeACMICalculationLogic

  • on the Reg no page (Aircraft) of the ACMI Rates tab it is possible to set additional parameters of the calculation type

  • to take into account Maintenance fee

  • In this case, you need to open an additional page for the calculation by clicking on the info icon on the Calculation tab


An additional tab allows you to choose the type of time calculation and select the calculation parameters for each of the services, the formula for each of them is prescribed at the Reg no setting level, but here you can make changes and see the total amount and the amount per hour.


Time type - Block is selected by default, if a rate is found, then we take the time type from it.

If the type is found or the data is entered manually, then a line with the ACMI price type is added to each sector, it is important that in the Qty field is a value is calculated according to the time type, we take the time according to the specified type and calculate it using the Time to Decimal Calculator formula, converting minutes to Decimal and substituting this value in Qty.

The user is able change the value in each sector, which will affect the total of each sector and the total of the option.

Details for each of the sectors of the selected option

Fields in the table of services (prices) on the Calculations tab:

  • Type - is a selector for choosing services

  • Qty - quantity

  • Cost Rate - initial price

  • Field with the value Cost Rate multiplied by Qty

  • Cost Currency

  • Field with a value to convert to Enquirer currency

  • Sell Rate

  • Field with Qty, currency, and rate for conversion currency

  • Margin = sell - cost

Flight Rates button

  • search for the price of the service at the selected airport

  • Date Type - selector of service creation zone: if departure is selected in the calendar, then create service in 1 airport, arrival - in the second, arrival/departure - also in the second with corresponding values of this dropdown.

  • Through - selection of who is responsible for the service.

  • Cust Type, Customer, Country - are substituted from the applied rate

  • Rates are set up from the main menu


Add cost button

  • adds a new line with the type of service for calculation

Add cost from RDC button

When permission showCostFromRDC is active, there is a button Add cost from RDC

  • Personal keys for integration with the service are registered in the global rdcaviation_settings


Payload & Fuel

Payload - 0 by default

Max Payload - 0 by default

Dist і Speed - are calculated according to the selected aircraft type

If you have a global aviapages_settings and keys for the service

the system has the ability to display data on distance and speed, as well as fuel by sector or for the entire route (by clicking on the appropriate icon)


Also, using the avoid_firs_and_countries_aviapages global, by specifying in it the countries that need to be avoided, the system will by default substitute them in the avoid list.


Fly time - Apply and change speed.

When I click this button expect that field speed will be recalculated.

Block time

Tool type - Apply block time. Time on Routing tab will be changed

Time in Routing

the field is not available for editing, it is calculated in the same way as it is implemented on the Routing (Flight Time) tab, when you hover, display a type with the text Sector time set on Routing tab


Fuel Burn - 0 by default

APU Fuel - 0 by default, fuel for the auxiliary power unit (turbo engine)

Total Fuel Burn - 0 by default, but if the previous data is filled in, the sum of Fuel Burn + APU Fuel is displayed here

Fuel Uplift - 0 by default, if there is Fuel Burn, its value,

Fuel uplift = (MTOW (Max takeoff weight) kg - "mzfw" Empty weight + mpayl - Min Fuel) - Payload = (17000 - 6000 + 8000 - 500) - 200 = 18300

By submitting Max Fuel button field Fuel Uplift is calculated.

Opening fuel - Min Fuel value from AC type or Reg no, if not filled in, then 0. The field is editable.

Min Fuel - from AC type.

TOW -  when hovering over the black color - Take off Weight, red - Take off overload, and green - Available Take off Weight - the value mzfw from Reg no if not found then from AС type is displayed here, if not received, then 0, then Payload, if 0 - it should be in brackets (- with the value mzfw), if you enter a value in Payload, it should be added to the data, Fuel Uplift is also added to the data, plus if the Minimum fuel on board (MF) is filled in the aircraft, then we add it to the data, further, MTOW (Max takeoff weight) kg.

LW - Landing weight = TOW - FB per sector , if Fuel Burn = 0, then the value will be equal to TOW

Next to it is MAX LANDING WEIGHT (MLW) (“mlw” from getActype) minus the value obtained above, when hovering, we display the formula MLW - LW

AP - Available payload = MTOW - EW - Min F - FU - P ) = (MTOW (Max takeoff weight) kg (this parameter is taken from reg no, if it is not filled in there, then from the as type) - “mzfw” Empty weight - Min Fuel) then minus Fuel uplift then minus the entered value Payload = Available payload, if all parameters are empty, then 0 will be displayed accordingly

FOB - Fuel on Board

for the first sector, this is the field Open Fuel + Fuel Uplift hyphenated (Landing fuel) = Open Fuel + Fuel Uplift - total fuel burn

for the second sector - Landing fuel from the first sector + Fuel Uplift hyphenated to take the first value + Fuel Uplift - total fuel burn

Fuel Rate - by from airport and flight date rates

Custom Rate - manual entry of the rate

Currency -  fuel currency

Unit - fuel unit, usg selector is set as default

Conversion Rate - by default, substitute 0.7882 for the kg value or global conversion_rate

Icon of scales

Allows you to view the entered value in a different weight measure, always saves the value in kg

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