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Employee Documents

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Allows to create and edit employee documents.

Also, it is a library of your employees' documents and you can filter and sort the list of employee documents.

List description

  • Employee - employee's name
  • Office - employee's office
  • Position - employee's position
  • Department - the department that employee relates to
  • Document type - document type
  • Document name - document name
  • Number - document number
  • Issued By - the name of the person who issued it
  • Country - issued country
  • Issued - date when the document was issued
  • Expires - document expiry date
  • Valid - valid date
  • Days Left - days left to the document expiry date
  • F. - number of attachments
  • Notes - notes and comments


  • Filtering and Sorting

To open the filter bar press on the Filters button

Then you can filter the list of employee Documents activities by:

  • Document type
  • From/To date
  • Period of time

Also, you can sort the list of employee documents by:

  • Statuses
  • Document
  • Office

  • Reports

To open the reports press on the Reports button

There is an Employees Documents report and two types: pdf and excel

  • Buttons

by this button you can open the Document Types page

To create a new Employee press on the New button

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