This interface allows you to look through all bookings and to create the new ones, it is possible to make new bookings and new branch bookings.
Also, you can track the status and filter bookings that were created from the web site or by the orders that were received from the internal users.
Using the reports, you can find full information about the selected period in a more convenient view.
It is possible to change driver or status quickly, directly from the interface, and to sort paid orders and those who are still awaiting the payment.
List description
ID – the unique number of the booking
Booking Date – the date and time when the entry was created
Delivery Date – the date and time when the order will be delivered
Left – the number of days that are displayed according to the rules:
in case the status is DELIVERED, ACCEPTED, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, the cell will be empty
in case the status is NEW, QUOTED, ON HOLD, CONFIRMED, APPROVED, ACTIVE, READY, CHECKED, RELEASED, the cell will show the number of days that are left from the delivery date till the current date (you can see the yellow background of cell). The ”-” sign is shown before the number of days in case the delivery date has already come (violet background will be shown)
Status – the number according to the selected status:
“NEW” status – 1 (white background)
“QUOTED” status – 2 (grey background)
“ON HOLD” status – 3 (green background)
“CONFIRMED” status – 4 (cyan background)
“APPROVED” status – 5 (moderate yellow background)
“ACTIVE” status – 6 (orange background)
“READY” status – 7 (violet background)
“CHECKED” status – 8 (soft yellow background)
“NEW RELEASED” status – 9 (lime green background)
“DELIVERED” status – 10 (soft cyan background)
“ACCEPTED” status – 11 (soft blue background)
“COMPLETED” status – 12 (soft lime green background)
“CANCELLED” status – 13 (red background)
Booking type – the type of booking that was selected in the order. You can find more information about each type in the Settings→ System Setup→ System Settings→ E-Commerce→ Booking Types
Station – the place where the product is located, that was selected in the order. You can find more information about each station in the Settings→ System Setup→ Locations/Stations
Orders – the number of orders that are created in the entry
Customer – the name of the customer that was selected in the entry
Tel/E-mail – the phone and e-mail were selected in the entry
Delivery – the type of delivery
Address – the name of the station is shown with its address (Settings→ System Setup→ Locations/Stations)
District/Zone - in case the delivery type is delivery, the “City”, the “District” and the “Delivery address” fields will appear in the entry, so this information you can see in the column
Driver – the name of the driver who will deliver the order
Details – in case the invoice is linked to the entry, you will see its number. Also, there can be another necessary information about the order
Sales – the name of the person who sells the goods
Done, % - the percentage of completion depending on the complexity of the order
Price – the total sum of amount in the order
Discount – the sum of the discount from the “Discount bulk” field
Total – the final amount (the “Price” field – the “Discount” field). In case the sum is paid completely the background will be green
Paid – the sum of payments
- the presence of a job in the order
How to create a new booking
To create a new booking, click the “NEW” button on the form
So you will create New Booking – the booking where the customer is a usual client
To create a new branch booking, click another “NEW” button on the form
So you create New Branch Booking – internal order.
Sorting and filtering
The “ID” field helps you to find the necessary order quicker by its unique number. Fill in the field and click the “Search/Refresh” button or Enter to search.
Using the “Date Type” field, you can sort the entries according to the dates when they were created or delivered
The “Station” field is required for the choosing one of the places/stations where the product is located
Using the “Broken” checkbox, you can see all entries that have no orders
Using the “Auto” check box, you can update the interface every 5 minutes
The “Status” selector helps you to leave orders in the list that correspond to the selected statuses. Mark one or more checkboxes to make filtration. Click on the icon to select all statuses.
Using the “Booking types” filtration, you can find all bookings with the selected types. More information about them you can find there: Settings > System Setup > System Settings > E-Commerce > Booking Types
Filter by Contacts helps you to sort all bookings regarding its contacts (fill in also the tel/email)
in case of Customer variant, you will get results by the contacts from customer
in case of Booking variant, you will get results with contacts which were edited
Using the “Delivery type” filtration, you can sort bookings by the way of delivery goods (pick up or delivery)
Using the “Delivery location”, you can see bookings according to the place where the order will be delivered
Making the filtration by the “Office” field, you can sort all entries by the office you need in case it matches with the selected one
In case the office is filled in the “Office” field, you will have an opportunity to select the necessary entry in the “Bank” field. All information about banks you can find in the Settings > System Setup > Offices/Companies > select any > Bank Accounts. In case the “cash account” type is marked, the bank gets into the selector
Yes – means that the order was created from the web site
No – means that the order was created by yourself
Any – means that all orders will be in the interface
Yes – means that sum in the “Paid” column equals or more than the sum in the “Total” column
No - means that sum in the “Paid” column is less than the sum in the “Total” column or the cell is empty
Any - means that all orders will be in the interface
Yes – means that the booking was created with branch tick
No – means that the booking was created without tick
Any - means that all orders will be in the interface
Assigned Driver
Yes – means that the driver is chosen in the booking
No – means that the booking has no driver
Any - means that all orders will be in the interface
Order by
Date – means that the list will be sorted by the date in the “Delivery Date” column
Id – means that the list will be sorted in order by the “ID” column
Marked the “Deleted” check box gives you the option to look through the deleted entries
Pos created means that the booking is created from the POS terminal
Show all – means that all bookings will be in the interface (usual and from POS)
Additional opportunities
The “Actions” button allows you to change Driver and Status from the “Customer booking” interface
Mark the necessary entry and click the “Actions” button
Select the Driver/Status and click the “SAVE” button
The information in the “Driver” and “Status” fields will be changed.
The “CANCELLATION” button allows changing the status of booking to the “CANCELLED”
mark the necessary entry
click the “CANCELLATION” button
To confirm click the “Yes” button, to cancel “No” variant
Export data with Reports. Reports allow exporting data to PDF, CSV and XLS formats with parameters adjusted on the main functional panel. There are two forms of reports:
The “Booking List” report
In this report, you can find short information about the main columns of the interface ( PDF, CSV and XLS formats are available)
The “Booking List Full” report
In this report you can find full information from the interface, all columns will be displayed in it (XLS and CSV formats are available)
The “Print Booking” report
This report is available in the case at least 1 booking is checked. Information about orders are shown in it: category, product, code, qty, price, amount, etc (PDF format is available)
Using the “Only Selected”, you can get reports only by bookings that are marked
Using the “With coma”, you can adapt the report for MAC
Using the “Show items”, you can export information about bookings with details from order – the name of products, its amount and qty.
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