Customer Activities
Home→ Contractors→ Customer Activities
Allows to see, filter and sort the list of customer activities.
List description
- Customer name - name of customer
- Customer company - company name of customer
- Country - country name of customer
- City - city name of customer
- Status - condition of customer
- Customer type - type name of customer
- Compliance - compliance name of customer
- Broker - broker name of customer
- Industry - industry type of customer
- Main Phone - main phone of customer
- Main E-mail - main email of customer
- Date - activity date
- Days from last contact - last activity
Filtering and Sorting
To open the filter bar press on the Filters button
Then you can filter the list of customer activities by:
- Main phone
- Main email
- City
- Broker
- Contractor type
- Customer
- Status
Also, you can sort the list of customer activities by:
- From/To date
- Office
- Activity Type
- Period of time