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Crew Duty Types

Home Page→ System Settings→ Crew→ Crew Duty Types


There are main settings for the Crew FTL module

The main functionality on the page:

  1. Search - allows filtering data by name, code, local code, rate, time, etc
  2. The data table
  3. The Editor - the set of fields and buttons, which helps you add, edit and delete items


  • To create a new Duty Type, click the New button in the editor and complete the form:

Name - crew duty type name

CODE - abbreviation, mandatory field

Local CODE - local code(name)

Category - select duty type category in the dropdown: Flight (default), Category, Training, Duty, Off

Color - select color in Color picker 

Standby Type - select in the dropdown  

Flight Rate, % - rate for duty with Flight category

Duty Rate, % - rate for other duty categories

Daily Duty Rate, % - daily duty rate

Check-box ”Sectors” - duty time will be accounted for by sectors (not for the whole flight)

From Time - duty start time

To Time - duty end time

Duty Before - the time in minutes before Block OFF. The value is used for calculating duty_start_date

Duty After - the time in minutes after Block ON. The value is used for calculating duty_end_date

NB: In case Duty Before/Duty After are empty, the system will use values from Global System Settings: duty_time_before and duty_time_after

Min. Rest Before - min rest before next duty

Min. Rest After - min rest after last duty

NB: In case Min. Rest Before/ Min. Rest After are empty, the Crew FTL module will use 8 hours by default 

  • To save the data, click the Save button
  • In case you need to change some data, select the required entry on the list, edit and click Save
  • To delete, select the item on the list and the Delete button will appear


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