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Create a Positioning Flight

A Positioning Flight is a flight for the sole purpose of positioning the crew member to conduct another flight from another airport. It is developed in Awery system to be used as part of FDTL module.

  1. Open Home page -> Flights module -> New Flight Wizard
  2. Fill in the flight details (route, date/time, ac type etc)


       3. Tick “Positioning” box


      4. Click “Create Flight”




      5. . Open Crew tab – Choose “Positioning” type – Click “All” and  

 -> Choose the Person – Assign Person to the flight -> Click “Save”


    Note: To make crew members available for any aircraft take the following steps:

       a) Open Home page -> Crew module -> Crew Management -> All Aviation Staff


         b) In the opened window choose any Person - Click “Edit Crew Positions”


      c) Select “Positioning” in the positions list and tick the box “For all AC types” to make it available for crew assignment for AC type in the positioning flight


    6. In Flights Database use filter “Positioning -> Positioning Only” to see the list of Positioning Flights for the period


      7. See Positioning flights as the separate line in Flights Timeline View, see it’s details by clicking on it.


       Positioning flights will be used for further calculation of crew member’s duty time in FDTL module.



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