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Home Page→ Info & Rates→ Info→ Countries


This interface helps you to create/edit/delete any country.

There you can find information about the unique code of the country, official currency, its region and sanctions.

In the country’s page you can edit the necessary information, create different alerts, sanctions and make some notes.

Also, it is possible to fill in other information about the country: its holidays, official languages, documents, requirements, operators, suppliers and airports which belong to the country.

List description:

  • Country – the name of the country
  • 2-letter code – the unique 2-letter code of the country 
  • 3-letter code – the unique 3-letter code of the country
  • Region – the area where the country is located
  • Currency Code – the country’s official currency
  • Sanctions – the list of all violations that the country has


How to create/delete country

  • Use buttons to create/delete countries
    • The button
      to create country
    • The button
      to delete country

Sorting and filtering

  • You have an opportunity to make the filtration by:
    • By Country/Country code, Region selectors
    • By the first letter of the country

  • The Quick Search is available by the Country column


The interior interface

Select any country using the double click

The elements of the interior interface:

  • The Country Info tab
    • Main information block
        • Country Name, 2-letter Country Code,  3-letter Country Code,  Currency Code, Tax Type, Tax Registration Name, Business Registration Name and Notes input fields
        • Region selector
        • Our and Show On Site checkboxes 
      • States
        • Code and Name input fields

      • Sanctions
        • Extensive, Significant, Arms Embargo, Financial Restrictions/Sanctions, List-Based and Transit Cargo Prohibited checkboxes and their fields with notes

    Pay attention that the Notes field will be blocked in case of no tick in the checkbox near the title

      • Alerts 

    List description:

        • Start Date – the date of the alert’s beginning
        • End Date – the date of the alert’s ending
        • Countries/NOTAMs alerts – the space for additional notes
        • Category – the class of the alert
        • Type of Alert – the kind of the alert
        • Note – the description of the alert
        • You have an opportunity to Create/Delete/Clone/Edit alerts

        • Tick the Expired checkbox to see the alerts with date that has already passed
    • The CAA Information tab
      • CAA, Agent, Name, CAA collection selectors
      • Capital, Primary application channel, Phone code, Public holidays, Official languages, Notes, Weekends, Replace by name, Fuel Notes input fields
      • Special documents required, Detailed airway route required, LDG permit can only arranged by GHA, FPL must match entry / exit route approved, Registration specific for all permissions checkboxes
    • Requirements

    List description

      • Category – the flight category
      • Service – the types of the service
      • Through – the method of obtaining requirements
      • Lead time – run-time requirements
      • Perm validity – the duration of claims
      • Spec – the availability of specifications
    • You have an opportunity to Create/Delete/Clone/Edit requirements

    • The Documents tab
      • Name, No, Type, Issued by, Issued date, Expire date, Notes input fields
      • Issued country selector
      • Expired, N/A checkbox

    List description

      • Name – the name of the document
      • No – the number of the document
      • Type – the type of the document
      • Issued By – the issuing authority
      • Is. Count. – the country that issued the document
      • Issued – the date of the document’s issue
      • Expires – the document expiration date
      • Valid – the validation of the document

    The tick

      is shown in case the document is valid

    The cross

    is shown in case the document is expired

      • Left - the number of days between the current and expired date

    The N/A is shown in case the document can not be expiredis not active

    The violet background is shown in case of more than 1 day difference

    The red background is shown if up to 7 days are left before the end date

    The orange background is shown if up to 30 days are left before the end date

    The yellow background is shown if up to 60 days are left before the end date

    The strong yellow background is shown if up to 90 days are left before the end date

    • F – the clip
      is shown in case of attachments

    You have an opportunity to Create/Delete/Clone/Edit documents

    • The Permissions tab
      • Name, Prior time, Delay GAP+, Email 1, Email 2, Email 3, Email 4, From Email, Tel, Fax, SITA, AFTN input fields
      • Supplier selector
      • Required checkbox
      • Type (dip/overfly), E-mail, Sita, AFTN radio buttons 

      You have an opportunity to Create/Delete/Clone/Edit permissions

      • The Visa Requirements tab
        • PAX Visa Requirements, Crew Visa requirements input fields

        You have an opportunity to Update requirement

        • The Registered Operators / List of Airports / List of Suppliers tabs
          • The list of operators / aircraft / suppliers will be shown in case they belong to the country


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