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Commodity Types

Navigation To Commodity Types:

Navigate to the Settings section and under System Setup click the “System Settings” button.


Then navigate to the Cargo section and click the “Commodity Types” button.



The Commodity Type page allows you to:

  • Search for existing commodity types.

  • View, add, edit, and delete commodity types.

  • Link detailed descriptions to specific commodity types.

Main Functionality on the Page

  1. Search Field:

    • You can search for items by Type and Code.

  2. List of Existing Items:

    • CODE: The unique code assigned to the commodity.

    • Type: A detailed description of the commodity type.

    • Show on Site: Indicates (marked by a green tick) if the commodity type is visible on the Cargo Booking website (enquiry portal) 

  3. Editor:

    • This section includes buttons and fields to add, edit, or delete commodity types.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


Adding a New Commodity Type

  1. Create a New Commodity Type:

    • Click the New button in the Editor.

    • Fill in the required fields:

      • CODE: The unique code for the commodity type (marked by a red asterisk).

      • Description: A detailed description of the commodity type (marked by a red asterisk).

    • Show on Site: (Optional) Check this box if you want the commodity type to be visible on the Cargo Booking website.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Save the New Commodity Type:

    • After entering the required information, click the Save button.

  • The new commodity type will now appear in the list.

Linking Descriptions to a Commodity Type

  1. Creating Linked Descriptions:

    • After creating a new commodity type, you can link specific descriptions to it.

    • For example, if you created a commodity type called "Seafood", you can use the Linked Description field to specify what kind of seafood will be transported.

  2. Adding Linked Descriptions:

    • Linked commodity type descriptions should be added before creating the commodity type.

    • To add linked descriptions, select the required commodity type from the list. The information will be displayed in the Editor, and an additional field will appear below the main data.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Tick one or several descriptions from the drop-down list. The selected items will be saved automatically.

Editing and Deleting Commodity Types

  1. Editing a Commodity Type:

    • Select the commodity type you want to edit from the list. The information will be displayed in the Editor.

    • Make the necessary updates and click the Save button.

  2. Deleting a Commodity Type:

    • Select the commodity type you want to delete from the list. The data will be displayed in the Editor, and a Delete button will appear.

    • Click the Delete button to remove the item from the list.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Using Commodity Types in the System

  • Home Page → Cargo Module → Shipments Database: Use this for creating and editing AWBs (Air Waybills).

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Home Page → Cargo Module → Cargo Rate Sheets: Utilize this for managing rates related to different commodity types.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Home Page→System settings→ Cargo→ Commodity Type


The AWERY System allows you to customize the list of commodity types according to the company needs

Main functionality on the page:

1.The Search field allows you to look item by the Type and Code parameters

2.The list of existing items contains the following columns:

    • CODE - commodity code

    • Type - commodity type, more detailed description

    • Show on site - items are marked by a green tick 

3. The Editor- the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries


  • To add a new commodity type, please click the New button in the Editor, and fill in the data.

Both fields CODE and Description are obligatory and marked by red asterisks

Check-box “Show on Site” is optional and is used on the Cargo Booking web site (enquiry portal)

  • After filling in the information, click the Save button

    And a new item will appear in the list

When a new commodity type is created you have an opportunity to select the linked descriptions.

For example, you created a commodity type “Seafood” and in the Linked Description field you can specify what exactly kind of seafood you will transport

Please note: Linked Commodity Type Description  list should be added before commodity type creating

  • To add Linked Description items, please select the required commodity type on the list. The information will be displayed in the Editor and an additional field will appear below the main data

  • Tick one or several Descriptions on the drop-down list. Selected items will be saved automatically

  • To edit the information, please select the required item on the list. The data will be displayed in the Editor. After updating, please click the Save button

  • To delete any commodity type, select it on the list, the data will be displayed in the Editor and the Delete button will appear, after that, you can delete an item


Using Commodity Types in the system:

  • Home Page→ Cargo module→ Shipments Database (creating and editing AWB)

  • Home Page→ Cargo modulе→ Cargo Rate sheets

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