Closing periods
Go to “Settings” in the main menu and choose “Accounting setup” - “Close periods”
You will see your “closed periods” - entries made at the end of an accounting period to zero out all temporary accounts and transfer their balances to permanent accounts.
You can not do changes in closed period or add new jobs after the closing period is posted.
You can apply period, company and press search, to see selected data.
Choose the end of closing period date and company
Then press
Then press
system will show you if there are non-posted jobs on this period.
Then follow steps.
Create the job for Open Depreciation FAS, Open Depreciation PP, Currency difference, and movement of the assets from temporary to permanent accounts.
You will see their indicator changed to posted
Move the accounts: All the amounts will be moved from Accounts 40th, 50th and 60th to 90th
All the amounts will be moved from Accounts 90th to 91000 Profit&Loss.
All the amount will be moved from Net Profit or Loss to Retained Earnings
After all of the listed is posted you can close the period