Cash Accounts
Navigate to Cash Accounts:
Navigate to the Accounting section and under Cash click the “Cash Accounts” button.
The list of Cash Accounts displays all banks with balances.
List of Description
Name: The name of the cash account
Account No: The account number
Bank: The name of the bank
Company: The name of the cash company
Type: The name of account type
Currency: The currency of the bank
Default: Shows the default entry
Balance: The amount of the balance (with active 'With balance' check-box)
Manuals To view the details of the bank, press the Info button, which is available at the end of the table by hovering over the record row.
Filtering and Sorting
You can filter your bank accounts by:
ICC: Include Only Cleared Cheques (Ignore Due and other Status).
IIC: Include Issued Due check with a date passed and all Cleared Checks Only (Ignore Due Received and other Status).
CAPC: Consider All Cheques Cleared.
Active: The status of the account
Inactive: The status of the account
Also, using the 'With balance' check-box, you will see the list of cash accounts that have balanced, and in the cash account table, one more column named Balance will be added.
To view a report, press the Reports button. Then you can select the date and press on PDF Report.