Accessing the Capabilities Page
Navigate to the Contractors section and under the Suppliers Section click the “Capabilities” Button.
The Capabilities interface allows you to view and manage supplier capabilities efficiently, utilizing filters and detailed information fields. This tool supports you in quickly finding specific capabilities or those that meet certain requirements, with options to export comprehensive reports.
List Description:
Vendor: Contractor’s name.
Into Vendor: Internal name for the contractor.
Prior: Priority level of the capability.
Service Types: Selected service types (blank if all are selected).
Countries: Selected countries (blank if all are selected).
Airports: Selected airports (blank if all are selected).
Categories: Flight categories (blank if all are selected).
Purposes: Flight purposes (blank if all are selected).
Agent Types: Selected agent types (blank if all are selected).
Equipment: Service equipment list (blank if all are selected).
Notes: Additional information.
Internal Notes: Internal information for team use.
Credit D: Vendor’s payback period.
Payment Method: Type of vendor payment.
Manual Actions:
Creating & Viewing Capabilities:
Select entries: Use the Vendor, Into Vendor, Country, Airport, Service Type, or Priority selectors to locate specific capabilities.
Generate Application: Check this option, then go to the flight and create the required service. This action enables the Service Confirmation button.
Cloning Capabilities:
Clone: Click to duplicate a capability, including all settings on tabs.
Sorting and Filtering:
Filter Options:
Available filters include Agent Types, Flight Category, Purpose, Equipment, Vendor, Into Vendor, Country, Airport, Service Type, and Priority selectors.
Use the All tab to view selected entries across tabs for an overview.
Tabs for Details:
Countries/Airports: Choose specific countries or airports; all options are selected by default.
Agent Types/Flight Categories/Purposes: All options are selected by default.
Service Types/Equipment: All options are selected by default.
Creating/Modifying Entries:
Interior Interface: Double-click on a capability to open for edits. Key fields include Vendor, Into Vendor, Priority, along with input options for Disbursement Fees, Cancellation Fees, Pricing Comments, Surcharges, etc.
Generating Applications:
Check Generate Application to initiate the application, proceed to flight creation, and link the vendor for service confirmation.
Cloning Capabilities:
Use the Clone button to replicate a capability, copying all details across tabs.
Additional Tabs:
Countries/Airports Tab: Select specific countries and associated airports.
Agent Types/Flight Category/Purposes Tab: Defaults to select all; users can narrow down as needed.
Service Types/Equipment Tab: Defaults to select all; filter for specifics if needed.