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Booking Statuses

Bookings status comes as minimal status of its internal orders:

NewNew order created with this status, considered as draft
QuotedAll the main data and pricing are set and quote sent to client
On HoldClient is not confirming order or no prepayment received
ConfirmedCustomer confirmed order
ApprovedOrder was checked by production manager that all details are clear and sent to production
ActiveCurrently in production order (*Timings are controlled by Awery ERP mobile by each executor involved in order production)
ReadyOrder is marked as done, waiting for the internal Quality check
CheckedOrder has passed the internal quality check procedure and ready to be dispatched to delivery/released to client
ReleasedOrder is released to driver for delivery (order is moved from storage place to delivery vehicle)
DeliveredOrder is delivered to client
AcceptedClient Accepted the order
CompletedOrder is fully paid, delivered and accepted by the client, as well all accounting entires passed
CancelledOrder has been cancelled by client
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