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Bank to Bank Payment

Creating a Bank Payment Voucher:

  • First, a Bank Payment Voucher should be created by following the job creation manual. The job-adding interface, which is generic for all types of jobs, will be opened.

Select the Type of Entry:

  • Choose the type of entry as Bank Payment Voucher.

A screenshot of a computer screen  Description automatically generated

Company and Bank Selection:

  • The company will be taken by default from your user profile, and the bank will be selected from the default company banks.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Station and Department:

  • Choose the relevant Station and Department.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Select Contragent:

  • Choose the Contragent (recipient bank) to which the money will be transferred.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Date of Entry and Due Date:

  • The Date of Entry will default to today’s date. Insert the Due Date to track due payments.

Presets for Transactions:

  • To simplify the process, there are presets in the system for specific transactions. By choosing a preset, the system will automatically pick the appropriate Dr/Cr Accounts.

Bank to Bank Transfer:

  • For Bank to Bank transfer, the banks chosen earlier will now be selected for the debit and credit sides.

Insert Transaction Amount:

  • Enter the amount of the transaction.

Currency Selection:

  • Debit and credit side currencies will be taken according to the banks chosen.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Job Description:

  • Add a description of the job, which will be shown on the printout.

Save and Post:

  • After adding and rechecking the information, press Add Job.

A grey rectangular sign with black text  Description automatically generated
  •  To finalize it and reflect it in Statements and reports, post the entry.

A green shield with a check mark  Description automatically generated

Print the Voucher:

  • You can print the Bank Payment Voucher.

A white rectangle with black text  Description automatically generated
A voucher with numbers and red cubes  Description automatically generated
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