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Bank Accounts

To access Bank Accounts and view details, follow these steps:

Navigate to Bank Accounts:

Navigate to the Accounting section and under Bank click the “Bank Accounts” button.



The list displays all bank accounts along with their respective balances.

List of Descriptions

  • Name: The name of the bank account.

  • Account No: The account number.

  • Bank: The name of the bank.

  • Company: The name of the company.

  • Type: The account type.

  • Currency: The currency of the bank.

  • Default: Indicates the default entry.

  • Balance: The amount of the balance (with active ‘With balance’ check-box).

  • Cheque Received: The amount of the received cheque (with active ‘With balance’ check-box).

  • Cheque Issued: The amount of the issued cheque (with active ‘With balance’ check-box).


Viewing Bank Details

  • To view the details of a bank, locate the Info button available at the end of the table. Hover over the record row, and click the Info button.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Filtering and Sorting Bank Accounts

  • Bank accounts can be filtered and sorted based on various criteria:

    • ICC: Include Only Cleared Cheques (Ignore Due and other Status).

    • IIC: Include Issued Due check with a date passed and all Cleared Checks Only (Ignore Due Received and other Status).

    • CAPC: Consider All Cheques Cleared.

    • Currency: Filter by the currency type.

    • Fixed: Filter by the account type.

    • Active: Filter by the active status of the account.

    • Inactive: Filter by the inactive status of the account.

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Balanced Accounts

  • By using the 'With balance' checkbox, you can view a list of accounts that have balanced. Additionally, three columns named Balance, Cheque Received, and Cheque Issued will be added to the bank account table.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


  • To generate a report, click on the Reports button. Select the desired date range and then click on PDF Report.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

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