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AWB_low_stock notification feature

The AWB_low_stock notification will remind you of a critical amount available for use AWB in your stocks.

To set up the notification quantity of the AWB in stock, please follow the procedure described below:

  1. Inform Awery support team with the following:

  office name (if you use offices) of the employees who are working with Cargo shipments and AWB stocks.

-    email addresses where notification should be sent.

       2. Wait until the Awery support team set up in your system AWB_low_stock notification feature and inform you about the office name and readiness of the system for utilisation of this feature. 

Or you can do it by yourself by the following procedure:

  • Go to Home->Settings->Offices/Companies→klick
     button and create new office, fill all mandatory fields marked with * , in the tab “Contacts” create contact with the name “AWB_low_stock” and add emails that should receive a notification.  Add type “Other” and indicate the name of the email template which is “AWB_low_notification”. Save office.
  • Make sure that the email template “AWB_low_notification”  exists on your system: go to Home->Contractors->Messaging->Mail templates-> Search-> ->AWB_low_notification. In case you did not find the template  - contact the Awery support team for help.
  • If the “AWB_low_notification” email template exists in your system, open it and select your office in the Office selector. Now the feature is ready to use.

       3. AWB notification quantity could be set up during the new stock company creation process. For this purpose, go to Home->System Settings->Cargo->AWB Stock Companies and create a new stock company (as marked with red frame in the screen below). It is important to determine the critical amount of the AWB in the stock for each supplier before creating new stock. 

       4. Create new AWB stock: add name of stock (*1), fill other fields, add Office name (*2) for AWB_low_stock notification provided by Awery support team and after that Notification QTY field (*3) will be able to add a critical number of AWB in the stock. System will send a notification to the earlier provided emails upon reaching the critical amount of the rest AWB in the stock.

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