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AWB Revenue/Expenses Types

Home→ System Settings→ Cargo→ AWB Revenue/Expenses types


AWERY System allows you to create different charge types for AWB Revenue and AWB Expenses. 

You have an opportunity to specify the debit account and the credit account. 

Charge type with selected accounts/ or without will be displayed automatically when you create JOB from AWB

The main functionality on the page :

1.Search - allows filtering entries by the next parameters: prior, type, description, rate, vendor type, kind ID, Expense Kind ID, tax

2.The list of existing items contains the following columns:

  • Prior - the order of displaying in selectors
  • Type -  charge type. It is possible to create several charges with the same type
  • CODE - code of a revenue/expenses type
  • Rate - the rate of a revenue/expenses type
  • Vendor type - vendor type, used for AWB expenses
  • Kind - creditor account (kind_id) 
  • Expenses Kind - debitor account (expenses_kind_id)
  • Tax - tax for type

3.The Editor- the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries


How to create a new item

  • To add a new AWB Revenue/Expense Type, please click the New button in the Editor and fill in the required information:
  • Type and Description are mandatory fields

Following fields are optional:

  • СODE - charge code
  • Priority - order of displaying in selectors by ascending
  • Kind - Credit account - select in the drop-down list one of the previously created options ссылка 
  • Expenses Kind - Debit account- select in the drop-down list one of the previously created options ссылка 
  • Tax - select in the drop-down 
  • Vendor Type - select an appropriate value on the drop-down or leave empty, vendor type will be entered automatically when creating a new AWB expense 

  • After completing the data, please press the SAVE button
  • I case of some changes, you have an opportunity to edit AWB Revenue/Expenses Types

Select the entry on the list. The data will be displayed in the Editor, update, and click Save

  • To delete an outdated entry, please repeat the same actions as to edit. The Delete button will be available after the entry selection

 Where you can use AWB Revenue/Expenses Types in the system:

  • AWB→ Revenue/Expense tabs - You can specify the charge type

  • In case of creating a JOB from AWB, Transaction will be created automatically with selected Debit and Credit accounts (if charge type has Kind and Expense Kind)


  • There are no permissions on the current page


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