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AWB Revenue/Expenses Types

AWB Revenue/Expenses Types

Navigation To AWB Revenue/Expenses Types:

Navigate to the Settings section and under System Setup click the “System Settings” button.


Then navigate to the Cargo section and click the “AWB Revenue/Expenses Types” button.



With this feature, you can:

  • Create different charge types for AWB revenue and expenses.

  • Specify debit and credit accounts for each charge type.

  • Automatically display charge types when creating a JOB from an AWB.

Main Functionality on the Page

  1. Search:

    • This field allows filtering entries by parameters such as Priority, Type, Description, Rate, Vendor Type, Kind ID, Expense Kind ID, and Tax.

  2. List of Existing Items:

    • Prior: Determines the display order in selectors.

    • Type: The charge type. You can create multiple charges with the same type.

    • CODE: Code for the revenue/expense type.

    • Rate: The rate associated with the revenue/expense type.

    • Vendor Type: Vendor type used for AWB expenses.

    • Kind: Creditor account (kind_id).

    • Expenses Kind: Debitor account (expenses_kind_id).

    • Tax: Applicable tax for the type.

  3. Editor:

    • A set of buttons and fields to add, edit, or delete items.

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Creating a New AWB Revenue/Expense Type

  1. Adding a New Type:

    • Click the New button in the Editor.

    • Fill in the mandatory fields:

      • Type: Specify the charge type.

      • Description: Provide a description of the charge.

    • Optional Fields:

      • CODE: Enter the charge code.

      • Priority: Set the display order in selectors (ascending).

      • Kind (Credit Account): Select from the drop-down list of previously created options.

      • Expenses Kind (Debit Account): Select from the drop-down list of previously created options.

      • Tax: Select the applicable tax from the drop-down.

      • Vendor Type: Choose the appropriate vendor type from the drop-down, or leave it empty. The vendor type will be entered automatically when creating a new AWB expense.

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  • After completing the data, click the Save button.

  1. Editing an Existing Type:

    • Select the entry from the list that you want to edit. The data will be displayed in the Editor.

    • Make the necessary updates and click the Save button.

  2. Deleting an Entry:

    • To delete an outdated entry, select it from the list. The data will be displayed in the Editor.

    • Click the Delete button, which will become available after selecting the entry.

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Using AWB Revenue/Expenses Types in the System

  1. AWB Revenue/Expense Tabs:

    • You can specify the charge type directly in the AWB Revenue/Expense tabs.

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  1. Creating a JOB from an AWB:

    • When you create a JOB from an AWB, a transaction will be automatically generated using the selected debit and credit accounts (if the charge type has a specified Kind and Expense Kind).

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