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AWB Quotes

Key features:

  • Quick quote creating

  • Creating Quotation with Customer from the incoming mail

  • Auto substitutions Broker to quotation from selected Customer

  • Applicable base AWB codes (commodity type, rate type, SCH codes, AVI, Secured, VAT, CASS, Freight collect)

  • Creating several options for calculations with different routes

  • Commision and surcharges management

  • Substitutions Rate sheets and Surcharges for selected route

  • Automatic or manual rates application

  • Simplified route change for the Rates selection

  • Margin calculation for each option and item

  • Adding attachments and sending them to the mail

  • Sending TXT/PDF Quotation to the Customer’s mail

  • Automatic linking mails by Reference No

  • Creating AWB from WON option with substitutions all Quotation data

  • Transferring linked mails to AWB on AWB creating

  • Dividing Quotations by Office, Broker, Team

  • Dividing Quotations by operation statuses

  • Export Quotations list

Cargo Quotations is a menu that allows you to view the list of existing requests and create new one.

To open the certain Cargo Quotation, find it and click it twice.

To clean all filters and search results click on button “Clean filters”

To create new Cargo Quotation click on button “New”

To search results by filters use the available fields and button “Search”:

  • From/to dates - use it to filter the list by the Cargo Quotation’s “Ready Date” or “Create Date”

  • Broker

  • Office

  • Team

  • Quick search - use it to find quotation by Quotation No or AWB No

  • REQ No. - Cargo Quotation’s number

  • AWB No. - AWB number created from Quotation

  • Customer

  • Origin/Dest - start typing either/or:

  • ICAO code

  • IATA code

  • City name

  • Country name

  • Status - Quotation statuses

To download Cargo Quotations list click on export  button

How to use Cargo Quotations

To create new Cargo Quotation click on button “New” and fill necessary fields on “New Quotation” page.

Office, Broker, Team and Customer displayed list of them by user access

Quote Cur - currency for current Cargo Quotation (get from customer or get currency from user if no customer or no currency in customer)

Currency rate - exchange rate “Quotation currency” to “Office currency” (field Currency in Office)

Origin and Destination will use for AWB origin and dest

Ready date is Pick up date in AWB

Pieces, Gross Weight, Chargeable date, Volume weight are total cargo quantity

Tab “General has fields about cargo general details.

Tab “Pieces Dimension” has table with details about each piece.

Tab “Mail Tool”

Mail Tool tab allows you to view threads emails related with certain Quotation by trigger word

Trigger word (Quotation number) automatically adds to all incoming mails

Threads from Quotation transferring to created AWB

Message with trigger word “Quotation number” links with Quotation

Message with trigger words “Quotation number” and “AWB number” links with Quotation and AWB

Tab “Attachments”

Attachments tab allows you to add the file and send it to e-mail.

Tab “Options” will allow you to calculate the expenses and revenue required for air freight.

  1. Route for each option. To fill it, write ICAO/IATA of airports

  2. Stock company for option.

  3. Departure and arrival dates.

To add or clone option click on “Add option” or “Clone” buttons, to delete option click on button “Remove Option”.

To add item in option click on button “Add item”, to delete item click on button “Remove item”.

How to use Rate Sheets in Options

You can apply “Rate Sheets” in any of the two ways:

  1. General buttons Rates/Auto Rates

To choose sell and/or buy Rate Sheets click on “Rates” button and pop-up with all suitable Rate Sheets will opened

  • You can choose only sell or buy rate and apply it

  • You can choose sell and buy rates and apply them.

  • You can check available surcharges by “Show surcharges” button

Pay Attention! Charge type in sell and buy rates must be the same. If they are different you will get an alert

To apply Rate Sheets which the System selects automatically click on “Auto Rates” button.

If the system has found only sell or buy rate than will be applied one of them. You will get an alert

New entries will be created in a certain option after applying Rate Sheets by “Rates”/“Auto Rates” button and include next information:

  • Type will be substituted “Charge type” field from Rate Sheet and Surcharge type

  • Supplier substituted only from Expenses rate sheet. If the line contains only the Revenue rate sheet, the Supplier field will be empty

  • Sell and Buy Quantity from “Chargeable Weight” or “Pieces” field in Quotation

  • “Chargeable Weight” with “TARIFF” Rate Type

  • “Pieces” with “PMC/AKE” Rate Type

  • Rate Type from Quotation (tab General)

  • Charge type,currency and unit from the Rate Sheet

  • Rate (rate from the rate sheet, total price calculated as [quantity*rate]) or a Fixed price (Fixed price is a “Min charge” from Rate Sheet and it is used when the total price is less than Min Charge).

Each entry includes columns for:

  • Sell (Revenue) - Sell Qty, Sell rate, Sell total price, Sell currency

  • Buy (Expenses) - Buy Qty, Buy rate, Buy total price, Buy currency

In the end of the line information is displayed about Revenue Rate or/and Expenses Rate from which of them the data was applied for sell and buy columns.

Surcharge entry from Rate:

  • “Buy” surcharge applies only with “buy” rates and it is substituted for buy columns in the line.

  • “Sell” surcharge applies only with “sell” rates and it is substituted for sell columns in the line.

  • “Both” surcharge applies with any rates and it is substituted for buy and sell columns in the line.

2. Buttons Rates/Auto Rates in each item

To search for Rate Sheets in the line enter Qty and select Rate type.

  • Applying rates in the empty line

  • Sell rate for sell columns

  • Buy rate for buy columns

  • Sell and buy rates for both with the same Charge type. If they are different you will get an alert

Substitution conditions as the same as for General buttons Rates/Auto Rates

  • Applying rates in the line with sell, buy or both data

If the line has sell rate than

  • new sell rate will replace “Type” column and sell columns

  • new buy rate will be substituted only with as the same charge type as in the column “Type”. If they are different you will get an alert

  • new sell and buy rates with the same Charge type will replace “Type” column and sell/buy columns

The same substitution conditions for the line with buy rate or both rates.

Won option

To choose the best offer click on “Set won” button that is in each option.

To check totals from “Won option” mark each “use” checkboxes with prices

After the option is assigned to the won, “create AWB” button

is available.

To create AWB click on button

and pop-up with confirmation will open.

  • Airline stock substituted from won option.

  • Customer and contact substituted from quotation.

  • AWB No

  • Non-Stock - AWB will be created with default number

  • Select - AWB will be created with the selected number available for the stock company

  • Select and tick checkbox for customer - AWB will be created with the selected number available for the customer in the stock company

  • Auto - AWB will be created with number from the stock company

Click on button “Create AWB” to create AWB. You will get notification about creating AWB and possibility to open it.

Click on button “Close” to cancel creating AWB.

Editing “Cargo quotation” is not available after AWB creation. To open created AWB click on “Open AWB” button in quotation.

If AWB was deleted you can edit the “Cargo quotation” and create a new AWB.

AWB from Cargo quotation

AWB is created with data from the Cargo Quotation.

Next fields will be transferred to AWB:

General page:

  • Office

  • Broker - ???

  • Team

  • Customer

  • Contact

  • Ready date (Pick up date in AWB)

  • Pieces

  • Gross Weight

  • Chargeable Weight

  • Volume Weight

General tab:

  • Commodity type

  • Description

  • Unit (Kg/Lbs)

  • Rate type

  • AVI

  • Secured

  • VAT

  • CASS

  • Freight collect

  • Cargo description

  • Pick up location

  • Delivery Location

  • Notes

Pieces Dimensions tab:

  • Quantity

  • Length

  • Width

  • Height

  • Total Weight

  • Chargeable weight

  • Volume

  • Non-Stackable

  • Perishable

  • Dangerous

  • UN

Options tab(From WON option):

  • Origin and Dest from route

  • Airline Stock

  • Note- ???

  • Type, Sell Qty, Sell rate, Sell amount, Sell currency, Sell rate sheet id to Revenue tab in AWB

  • Type, Buy Qty, Buy rate, Buy amount, Buy currency, Buy rate sheet id to Expenses tab in AWB

Mail tool tab

  • All e-mails

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