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AWB Irregularities

Navigation To AWB Irregularities:

Navigate to the Settings section and under System Setup click the “System Settings” button.


Then navigate to the Cargo section and click the “AWB Irregularities” button.

  1. Overview

AWB Irregularities is designed to allow users to search, update, add, and delete different types of irregularities, as well as link them to specific discrepancies.

  1. Main Functionalities

  • Search Bar: Utilize the search functionality to quickly find irregularities by entering relevant keywords like codes, names, or descriptions.

  • Irregularity List: This list displays the current irregularities along with their associated details, such as code, name, description, and linked discrepancies. Examples include "IGT," "BNZ," "GTA," "REW," "WER," "RTY," and "UTY."

  • Buttons:

    • Update: Click to update the details of a selected irregularity.

    • New: Click to add a new irregularity to the list.

    • Delete: Click to delete a selected irregularity from the list.

  1. Adding or Editing an Irregularity

  1. To Add a New Irregularity:

    • Click on the New button.

    • Fill in the mandatory fields:

      • Code: Enter a unique code for the irregularity (e.g., "IGT").

      • Name: Provide a name for the irregularity (e.g., "IGT irregularity").

      • Description: Add a description detailing the nature of the irregularity.

      • Type: Specify the type of irregularity.

      • Linked Discrepancy: Select or input any discrepancies linked to this irregularity.

    • Save the new irregularity by following the prompts.

  2. To Edit an Existing Irregularity:

    • Select the irregularity you wish to edit from the list.

    • Modify the necessary fields, such as the code, name, description, or linked discrepancies.

    • Click on the Update button to update the irregularity's details.

  3. Deleting an Irregularity

  1. To Delete an Irregularity:

    • Select the irregularity you want to delete from the list.

    • Click on the Delete button.

    • Confirm the deletion in the dialog box that appears. The irregularity will be removed from the list.

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