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AWB import

AWB import in Awery has a certain quantity of parameters that can be imported into the system.

This is the list of them:

Team name

Text, free format

Team to be applied in AWB

Office full name

Text, free format

Office to apply for AWB

  Stock company Text, free formatAWB Stock company name

Customer short name

Text, free format

Short name of customer, usually internal customer name in system to be applied in AWB

Customer full name

Text, free format

Full name of customer, official one. Search will be done within both fields


Code(3 or 4 symbols)-Number(8 or 9 Numbers) or Code(3 or 4 symbols)Number(8 or 9 Numbers)

Air Waybill number to be created in system. In case the number is from stock, it will be marked as used in stock after creation.

AWB origin

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Origin of AWB

AWB destination

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Destination of AWB

AWB ready date


Date when AWB is ready to depart. Will be inserted into Departure date of AWB

Consignee address

Text, free format

Consignee address

Shipper address

Text, free format

Shipper address

Commodity type

Text, free format

Commodity type - to be selected in AWB. If doesn’t exist - will be blank

Commodity description

Text, free format

Commodity description - to be selected in AWB. If doesn’t exist - will be blank

Cargo description

Text, free format

In case Commodity type/ Description ar not in use in company, Cargo description will be used.

Rate Type applicable


  • PMC

  • AKE

  • SPOT

Rate type for whole AWB applicable. To be selected from

Handling code 1

Text, free format

Special Handling Codes

Handling code 2

Handling code 3

Handling code 4



Mark 1 if AVI mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Secured Cargo


Mark 1 if Secured mark should be in AWB, 0 if not



Mark 1 if VAT mark should be in AWB, 0 if not



Mark 1 if CASS mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Freight collect


Mark 1 if Freight collect mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Freight collect amount


Insert freight collect amount

Freight collect currency

3 letters currency code

Insert freight collect currency

Freight collect currency rate to basic system/company currency


Insert freight collect currency rate to basic system/company currency

Freight collected


Mark 1 if Freight collected mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Freight collect date

yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy

Insert date when freight collected

Handling Details

Text, free format

Insert handling details

Extra handling information

Text, free format

Insert any additional handling information

AWB unit



Insert generic AWB unit

Gross weight


Insert AWB Gross weight

Chargeable weight


Insert AWB Chargeable weight

  Volume (cbm)NumbersInsert AWB Volume

Dangerous cargo


Mark 1 if AWB should be marked as dangerous, 0 if not



Insert Un ID

Dangerous code

Insert AWB dangerous code

Number of pieces


Insert quantity of pieces in the AWB

Non-Stackable cargo


Mark 1 if Non-stackable mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Perishable cargo


Mark 1 if Perishable mark should be in AWB, 0 if not

Flight #1 origin *

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert first flight origin for AWB to be planned on

Flight #1 destination

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert first flight destination for AWB to be planned on

Flight #1 callsign

CodeNumber (2 letters code and Number, no space)

Insert first flight callsign/flight No for AWB to be planned on  

Flight #1 departure date UTC

yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy

Insert first flight departure date No for AWB to be planned on  

Flight #1 departure time UTC

Flight #1 arrival time UTC

Flight #2 origin

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert second flight origin for AWB to be planned on

Flight #2 destination

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert second flight destination for AWB to be planned on

Flight #2 callsign

CodeNumber (2 letters code and Number, no space)

Insert second flight callsign/flight No for AWB to be planned on   

Flight #2 departure date UTC

yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy

Insert second flight departure date No for AWB to be planned on  

Flight #2 departure time UTC

Flight #2 arrival time UTC

Flight #3 origin

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert third flight origin for AWB to be planned on

Flight #3 destination

IATA or ICAO code of airport

Insert third flight destination for AWB to be planned on

Flight #3 callsign

CodeNumber (2 letters code and Number, no space)

Insert third flight callsign/flight No for AWB to be planned on  

Flight #3 departure date UTC

yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy

Insert third flight departure date No for AWB to be planned on  

Flight #3 departure time UTC

Flight #3 arrival time UTC

  Sell type

Text, free format

Revenue charge type, if the field is empty - Basic charge type will be set by default
  Sell qtyNumberRevenue Qty
  Sell rateNumber separated by a commaRevenue Rate
  Sell Currency 3 letter currency codeRevenue Currency
  sell cur rate Number separated by a commaRevenue Currency Rate
  cost typeText, free formatExpenses type, if the field is empty - Basic charge type will be set by default
  cost qtyNumberExpenses Qty
  cost rateNumberExpenses Rate
  cost curr3 letter currency code Expenses Currency
  cost cur rate Number separated by a commaExpenses Currency Rate

* NB AWB will be planned to flights only if flights exist in the system. The search will be done by Callsign and Departure date.

* NB Flight time fields will be used for flight creation. This functionality is not implemented yet, the manual will be updated.

To do the AWB import, open AWB database

and press AWB import button

The drag&drop interface will be open

After the file is uploaded, the data is analyzed and shown

The parameters that were automatically detected, will be selected in the header of the table

If the parameter was not detected, the parameter will not auto picked up

But can be selected manually from the list.

NB Parameters cannot be duplicated, so one parameter can be selected only once.

After all the parameters were assigned to the data content, you can switch to the next tab and select manually which AWBs will be imported and press Import

The list of imported AWB will be shown in the list of AWB.

This is the sample of basic import file. 

awb import test file basic.xlsx

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