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Aviasuite API

Home Page→ Settings→ System Settings→ General Settings→ Aviasuite API


Aviasuite API is needed to interact with the Aviasuite site.

List description

  • ID - id number of Aviasuite API
  • URL - remote address
  • Name - company name
  • Token - token name
  • Enabled - shows which entry is available
  • Created - create date
  • Edited - edit date


How to create Aviasuite API

  • Completing the form to create an Aviasuite API, if you opened the list 'Aviasuite API' for the first time.

Or press on the ‘+’ button, if you started switching between records. Then the form to create Aviasuite API will be empty.

  • Press on the Save button to save your entry after completing the form

Where you can use it:

Aviasuite API is used to pull data from ACM (database) to the site.


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