First you need to add background information for Audits in your company
For this you need to choose Audit Info in Compliance Module
First Audit Categories. Each Audit will have a Category assigned while creation. So first press in first column Audit Categories
Then insert Category name in the field
And press
After all is done, you will have the list of Audit Categories in the first Column
Next better to do Audit Types. The procedure is the same. Press , insert data in field, press
Next add Audit Qualifications
Audit qualification is a knowlegde level required to be an Auditor for each separate Audit. Each Employee, who deals with Audits and can be assigned as Auditor should have it marked on his personal page in System. The procedure is the same. Press , insert data in field, press
To manage Audit Qualifications for each Employee, you need to choose Employee in Employee base (HR module)
Then open Employee and choose Audit Qualifications Tab
Choose Qualification from the list and press
After the supporting information is added, you may create the list of Audit Indexes that will be used to create an Audit
In this tab you can add the list of Audits you have in your company
To add new, press
Then insert the data for an audit: Name, Code, Duration, Repeat time and choose Type and Category and Required Audit Qualification
Creating new audit
First go Home Page -> Compliance –> Audits
Press New
You will be redirected to New Audit page
Fill in the necessary data
Choose the status
Choose the audit type
Assign the responsible person. Employees will be filtered by Audit Qualifications, necessary for this Audit (see Audit Info)
Choose the Office
Choose the contragent fot this audit
Fill the planned dates for an audit
Choose when it actually started
In case it was closed. Insert the data of when and by whom it was closed
Insert the objective for an audit
And Scope to be done
After audit is created, you need to add Findings
New Finding
To add a new Finding, choose Tab Findings inside an Audit
To add new, press
The New Finding pop-up will be opened
Choose the Auditor
Choose the level. Will show the urgency of Finding. Descending level – ascending urgency. 1 – the most urgent
Insert the Finding & Due date and time
Choose the Finding Category
Choose the auditee
In case of extension of Due date, tick the tick-box and insert the Extended Due Date
Then choose the DQS
Insert all necessary data about Finding
In case if Corrective action was accepted, choose by whom
In case of Risc mitigation, tick the tick-box
Choose the responsible person for it and the end date
When the Finding is closed, insert the date and by whom
You may attach files to Finding. For this first press Browse file (1), then Upload file (2)
The file will be in list
To manage internal information for Audits, choose Audit Info in Compliance Module
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