Airlines Setup
Navigation To Airlines Setup:
Navigate to the Cargo section and under Shipments Stock & Rates click the “Airlines Setup” button.
Search Section:
Name: The name of the company or customer you are searching for.
Code: A unique identifier or code associated with the company.
Prefix: Possibly a code prefix used for categorizing or filtering companies.
Company: The name of the company.
Customer Type: The type of customer, such as a regular customer, VIP, etc.
Customer: Detailed customer information.
Additional Columns: The rest of the columns include specifics such as addresses, contact numbers, and other identifiers.
List of Companies/Customers:
Displays a list of companies/customers based on the search or filters applied.
Editable Fields:
Name: The name of the company or customer.
E-Mail: The contact email address.
Phone: The contact phone number.
Fax: The fax number, if applicable.
Website: The company's website.
Agent Name, IATA Code, Account No: Details about the agent representing the company, their IATA code, and account number.
Agent Address, Country, Department, Office: The address and location details.
Company Code, Prefix: Unique identifiers for the company.
Address, Bank, Currency: Address and financial details.
Notification QTY: The quantity for notifications or orders.
Type: The type of entity (Customer, Stock Company, etc.).
Check/Option Boxes:
Stock only: Whether the entity is stock-only.
Commission only: If the entity deals only in commission-based transactions.
Auto CASS: Automatically apply CASS.
Check Awb No: Whether the AWB number should be checked.
Check AWB prefix tick: Ensures the correct AWB prefix.
Auto Expenses: Automatically calculate expenses.
Auto Stock: Automatically manage stock.
Commission by vendor only: Commission is only calculated by the vendor.
Action Buttons:
Update: Save changes to the selected entry.
New: Add a new entry.
Delete: Remove the selected entry.