Home Page→ Contractors→ Suppliers Types→ Agents
This interface helps you to see the full list of agents and the main information about them.
With the help of filters, you can find the necessary entry quicker.
The reports help to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis.
Also, you can see the deleted agents and to display the last added on the top.
List description
- ID – the unique ID of agent
- Company – the name of the company
- Company Reg. Name – the registered company name
- Status – the agent’s condition
- Compliance – the additional field with notes about compliance
- P.M. – the code of the broker
- Credit, D – the amount of credit days
- Credit, A – the credit amount
- Cur – the default currency
- Office – the agent’s company
- CODE – the code for accounting purposes
- Country – the agent’s location country
- City – the agent’s city
- E-mail – the agent’s e-mail
- Phone – the agent’s phone
- Created – the date when the agent’s card was created
- External ID – the slx id
- Payment method – the type of payment
How to create/delete agent
- Use buttons to create/delete agent
- The button to create agent
- The button to delete agent
Sorting and filtering
- Click the Filters button and select the necessary field to make the filtration
You have an opportunity to make the filtration by:
- Status, Office, Types, By Company/Category, Country, State, Services, Categories, Types selectors
- New on top and Deleted checkboxes
- By the first letter of agent
- Tick the Deleted checkbox to see the deleted agents
- Tick the New on top button to display the last added agents on the top of the list