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Adding new captain

 In the navigation menu in the drop-down box Crew choose the category needed

For example choosing Captains 

For New captain adding press

You will be redirected to the page containing all the necessary information to be filled in.

On this page you will be able to fill in the following datag 

 The name of person added

 the initials of person added

maximal flying hours per month allowed

maximal duty hours per month allowed A


Birthday date of person added

the day of joining to the company


According to the requirements you may choose options

the person added will be shown as your own employee

the person is not more working in the company. He/she will not be shown in general list of staff available

not valid

After you should choose the Country issued Certificate 
 from the drop-down list 

Than Company he/she is employed in

You may provide comments

And add photos to the profile by pressing
 browse photo
 upload photo

Or delete 
if any not needed 

Choose the default currency by choosing from drop-down list 

After press  

You may add contact information to each person.

By pressing
 you will be offered with a table to fill in the necessary data  

If to put tick in the box Default this data will be shown in all the reports required

An unlimited possibility to add contact information is available. Procedure concerns adding as a group of Contacts

with further possibility to add items within 

while adding the person the different  tabs are available and required to be filled in 

types of aircrafts and positions this person is allowed to work on

adding employee’s documents possible. Adding employee’s Documents  (see AMS English Manual > General items‎ > ‎Instruction for adding documents)

adding employee’s training completed, planned 

adding employee’s vacations

adding employee’s flights, managing existing ones if any

salary established for person

adding any files needed

additional payments

all the statements containing this person

all the accountants’ documents containing this person

data required for non-cash payments


The aircraft type and aircraft position should be obligatory added from the drop-down lists

select the Aircrafts Type this person is allowed to work on  

Select the Positions this person is capable to work on 

The selection of ACFT type and Positions is a REQUIRED action after adding new Person - it is needed to show person in lists and filter on the flight crew planning. If not done the person will be shown only with putting tick in the box 

Positions -job category

Citizenship -сitizenship

Сert. Country -certificate of the country

24 hrs. - flying over the last 24 hours 

28 days- flying over the last 28 days

Under the headings
 specifies number of days prior to the expiration of the document. Minimum period before the expiration date of the document, shown under the heading

  D1, under the headings D2, D3, D4… number of days before the expiration of the document by ascending, than more days before expiration date of the document that closer to the headings D6

Under the headings
 shows the number of days before the end of training, according to the similar filter as a documents  

Also there is designation by colors, they are sorted by such an order:

- 0 days before the expiration of the document (the end of training) – Raspberry

From 1 to 9 -red

From 10 to 29 -orange

From 30 to 59 -yellow

From 60 to 90 -green

 intended for cleaning information
 to add new flight personnel
 to delete data
If you want to print the current page, press button 

Choosing captain for the flight

While managing of the flight you will be able to choose the added person from the list according to the position for the flight by pressing  


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